1.Trade Registration and Licensing Office
  • Fax: 0115543369
  • Phone: 0115518972
2.Finance and Procurement Directorate
  • Phone: 0115513829
3.Trade Relation and Negotiation Directorate General
  • Fax: 0115522417
  • Phone: 0115526123
  • Duties & Responsibilities
    1. Plan organize, coordinate, led, monitor and implement the country's bilateral regional integration and multilateral trade relation and negotiation activities,
    2. Facilitate a study on the country's trade relation and negotiation issues, based on study, propose recommendation on how the country benefits from the global trade,
    3. Ensure that the country's international trade relations are in consistence with the Government's policies, regulation, directives and procedures and check these lows, regulation, directives and procedures are also in consistence with the WTO rules & decisions and if need be suggest amendment, follow up and implement,
    4. Ensure any new trade and trade related laws, regulations, directives and procedures to be promulgated are in consistence with the WTO rules, decisions and procedures; before entering into force; if need be suggest amendments, follow up and implement.
    5. Initiate and propose policy ideas that could create new trade relation, strengthen the existing once, participate on studies that could help in formulating trade policies and prepare directives upon approval,
    6. Introduce and create awareness all stakeholders on Trade Agreements that the country signed and follow up its implementation,
    7. In cooperation with foreign Embassies in the country and the Ethiopian Mission abroad collect & compile trade information; propose solution for any trade dispute that may arise.
    8. Evaluate reports of international organization working on trade issues and promote the countries interest by participation on international meetings.
    9. Serve as a Secretariat of the WTO Accession of the Steering Committee and for the Regional Grouping Trade Relation & Negotiation Steering Committee, Chair the Technical Committees preparing technical documents, and serve as a technical level negotiator.
    10. Coordinate the Directorate General's duty with other units of the Ministry, initiate, coordinate and implement awareness creation programs.
    11. Identity, coordinate and implement capacity building supports, work in coordination with other units of the Ministry for manpower development and capacity building,
    12. Propose the establishment of new invitations to properly implement international laws and agreements that the country is signatory and ratifying.
    13. Coordinate the working relation between the Directorates of the Director General, follow up, monitor and implement.
    14. Prepare a monthly, quarterly bi-annual and annual report of the Director General.
    15. Evaluate the performance of the Directorates of the Director General; ensure the work of the unit is coordinated.
    16. Perform other duties to be assigned by the Trade Promotion State Minister.

    Bilateral and Regional Integration Trade Relation and Negotiation Directorate Director

    1. Plan organize, coordinate, led, monitor and implement the country's bilateral and regional trade relation and negotiation activities,
    2. Follow up the Bilateral and Regional trade relations in order to ensure the coherence of these relations with the government policies, rules, regulations and procedures.
    3. Facilitate/conduct studies in relation to bilateral and regional trade relations and advice policy makers and present recommendations to strengthen the existing Bilateral and Regional Trade relations and to create the new ones.
    4. In consultation with the foreign Embassies in the country and the Ethiopian Missions abroad facilitate the collection of trade and economic information, propose solution for any trade disputes which may arise.
    5. Establish close relations with international and regional organizations which are engaging in trade matters and evaluate their reports and propose recommendations when the need arises.
    6. Create awareness to stakeholders regarding the bilateral and regional trade relations that Ethiopia has been engaging in and follow up the implementation of the different Bilateral and Regional Trade Agreements that Ethiopia has signed.
    7. Facilitate the preparation of country position papers, coordinate and take part in Bilateral and Regional trade negotiations.
    8. Serve as a Secretary of the National Technical Committee that will be set up for Regional trade negotiation.
    9. Coach, support and evaluate experts and other stuffs of the Directorate and arrange trainings for the experts.
    10. Prepare monthly, quarterly, biannually, nine months and yearly performance reports of the Directorate and submit to the Directorate General.
    11. Execute other related duties given by the Directorate General.

    Multilateral Trade Relation and Negotiation Directorate 

    1. Plan organize, coordinate, led, monitor and implement the country's multilateral trade relation and negotiation activities,
    2. Follow up the trade relation of the country at the multilateral level to be compatible with  the government policies, strategies, proclamations, regulations, guidelines and practices
    3. Ensure that the country's international trade relations are in consistence with the Government's policies, regulation, directives and procedures and check these lows, regulation, directives and procedures are also in consistence with the WTO rules & decisions and if need be suggest amendment, follow up and implement,
    4. Ensure any new trade and trade related laws, regulations, directives and procedures are  in consistence with the WTO rules, decisions and procedures; before entering into force; if need be suggest amendments, follow up and implement.
    5. Provide awareness creation programmes to stakeholders on multilateral trade agreement and follow-up their implementation.
    6. Coordinate the WTO Accession Negotiation, prepare necessary documents, attend meetings and make sure that the country's interests are protected.
    7. Serve as a Secretary of the WTO Accession National Technical Committee.
    8. Prepare projects for technical assistance by development partners and follow up implementation
    9. Coach, support and evaluate experts and other stuffs of the Directorate and arrange trainings for the experts.
    10. Prepare monthly, quarterly, biannually, nine months and yearly performance reports of the Directorate and submit to the Directorate General.
    11. Execute other related duties given by the Directorate General.
4.Public Relations and Communication Affairs Office
  • Fax: 0115501697
  • Phone: 0115539177
  • Email: wondimuflt@gmail.com
  • Duties & Responsibilities
    1. Public Relations and Communication in the Ministry of Trade all activities in the public relations and Information Communication taking responsible, cooperate, lead and works as spokes person.
    2. Documents and information's of the organization systematically and carefully collecting and making documentation so that ready to share.
    3. Plan organize and to be done verities of duties in the public relations so that fulfill the mission and vision of the organization, making good relationship among the employees and also developing and creating good image of the organization and the country at large.
    4. About the ministry of Trade monitoring media and collect, analysis and suggest to use as feedback and send to higher responsible and authorized person.
    5. Coordinate the relationship between the organization and both domestic and foreign media, in order to give information by responsible person.
    6. Organize and facilitates events, workshops, seminars, exhibitions, bazaars, different discussions on policies, strategies and laws so as to create common understanding and create good image of the country.
    7. Plan and cooperate the development activities, projects, events, completed tasks of the organization to be visited by the responsible, higher authorized person, journalists and community members.
    8. Facilitate to create expand and get better high skills and well mannered ethical public relations worker by giving different trainings.
    9. Plan, prepare and getting media coverage for policies, strategies, plans, projects and programs in order to introduce common understanding at national level through electronic media.
    10. Facilitate and taking task to administrate, photograph audio-video, logo design, website and printing media.
    11. Making and building good relationship with foreign journalists and film producers who have got license from legal body.
    12. Follow up and checking the advertisements which are respected the law, the level and clearly identified the organization.
    13. According to the country law of information, facilitate agents and branches to share information.
    14. In order to get rid. Of un expected threats, discuss with the concerned persons and find the solution by searching information
    15. Evaluate and make research up on the effectiveness of the duties of the public relations of the organization so that improve its activities.
    16. Prepare plan, budget and workers performance, and deliver necessary materials on the right time. 
5.Legal Affairs Directorate
  • Phone: 0115519016
  • Duties & Responsibilities
    • Law
    • Legal advocacy and consultancy service
    • Court litigation/Representing at court or non courts forum
    • Legislative drafting
    • Capacity building on trade and trade related  Laws to the customer
6.Information Communication Technology Directorate
  • Phone: 0115501873
7.Internal Audit Directorate
  • Phone: 0115536984
  • Duties & Responsibilities

    By Financial administration Proc. No 648/2001 Par. 2/25 " Internal Audit" is an independent and objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organizations operations which helps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing in a systematic and disciplined approach to evaluate the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance process;

    Duties and Responsibilities of the Directorate:-

    • Prepare Audit Plan on risk based assessment;
    • Performing Financial & Property Audit to Verify Collections,  Disbursements proper management of Accounts, & Implimentation of the Government Proclamation, Regulation and Directives;
    • Performing Compliance Audit to assure the implementation of Proclamation, Regulations and Directives related to the sector;
    • Conducting Performance Audit to examine the Performance of the Sector Efficient, economical and effective in achieving its goals;
    • Follow up and report the applicability & timely action taken on the audit findings;
    • Assist the External Auditors
    • Giving Consulting Service primarly to top management and other departments in the minist    Direct, Implement & improve Audting procedures and technique
8.Import and Export Goods Quality Control Directorate
  • Fax: 0115150817
  • Phone: 0115157348
  • Duties & Responsibilities
    1. Regulate the legal metrological system of the country, its enforcement and coordinate the concerned regulatory bodies;
    2. Conduct pattern registration of weigh and measure of the country and grant permit
    3. Verify weight and measure used in trade
    4. organize consultative forum with regions on  legal metrology enforcement
    5. Control the qualities of export and import goods prohibit the importation and exportation goods that do not comply with mandatory Ethiopian Standards
    6. Represent the country on seminars workshops or conferences matters related legal metrology or Import export inspections
    7. Carry out assessments and arrange agreements with third party conformity assessment bodies abroad to conduct Pre shipment inspection
    8. Coordinate branch offices activities and evaluate  them against planned   objectives
9.Crop Production Marketing Directorate
  • Phone: 0115532045
10.Export Promotion Directorate General
  • Phone: 0115547615
11. Ethics Liaison Unit
  • Phone: 0910881636
12.Share Companies and Trade Sectoral Associations Affairs Directorate
  • Phone: 0115518082
13. Corporation Affairs Directorate
14.Women and Youth Affairs Directorate
  • Phone: 0115152502
  • Duties & Responsibilities
    1. Access, support and evaluate the mainstreaming of Women and Youth affairs in plans, programs and projects.
    2. Implement HIV AIDS prevention and controlling activities.
    3. Empower women and youth through short and long term education, training, seminars and workshops.
    4. Encourage establishment of women entrepreneurs associations and strengthen those already established.
    5. In collaboration with other stakeholders support and monitor equal participation of women entrepreneurs' in the trade sector.
    6. Organize sex and age disaggregated data.
15.Reform and Good governance Affairs Directorate
  • Phone: 0115528582
16.Propert administration and General Service Directorate
  • Phone: 0115528802
17. Planning and Project Monitoring Directorate
  • Phone: 0115528806
18.Oil seed, Pulses and Marketing Directorate
  • Phone: 0115532045
19.Import Trade Management Directorate
  • Phone: 0115547701
20.Trade Management Information Center
  • Phone: 0115528581
21.Post License Inspection and Regulatory Directorate
  • Phone: 0115501442
22.Market and Enterprise Inspection and Regulatory Directorate
23.Human Resource Development and Management Directorate
  • Phone: 0115528579