Duties & Responsibilities By Financial administration Proc. No 648/2001 Par. 2/25 " Internal Audit" is an independent and objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organizations operations which helps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing in a systematic and disciplined approach to evaluate the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance process;
Duties and Responsibilities of the Directorate:-
- Prepare Audit Plan on risk based assessment;
- Performing Financial & Property Audit to Verify Collections, Disbursements proper management of Accounts, & Implimentation of the Government Proclamation, Regulation and Directives;
- Performing Compliance Audit to assure the implementation of Proclamation, Regulations and Directives related to the sector;
- Conducting Performance Audit to examine the Performance of the Sector Efficient, economical and effective in achieving its goals;
- Follow up and report the applicability & timely action taken on the audit findings;
- Assist the External Auditors
- Giving Consulting Service primarly to top management and other departments in the minist Direct, Implement & improve Audting procedures and technique